Trying Something New-Instagram

Trying Something New-Instagram

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Instagram is a new platform that I’ve explored. I have an account but haven’t used it too much.  I’ve always used YouTube for its culinary content in the classroom.  My high school students enjoy watching cooking shows or demonstrations on YouTube as well as posting their own cooking how-to videos on their own channel. It’s a great way for them to go back and revisit the techniques they’ve learned in class.

Instagram is great as a social media educational tool. It’s a great way for students to share and explore culinary videos and pictures. Content can be found through following popular chefs, food magazines, restaurants, food organizations, and even friends that post photos of food they are eating that day at their favorite restaurant. It’s a fun way to follow food through photos, demos, destinations, and real people eating and cooking every day. My students never miss a chance to take a picture of the food they’re making in class or eating at a restaurant to share on their social media account. Instagram is an excellent place to build an online learning community for my classroom. There are many chefs, restaurants, friends, and organizations to follow. The content is usually shorter than YouTube and students can easily access Instagram through their smartphones.